Jam Up! is an evidence-based, co-produced digital tool. We have worked with autistic children, parents and carers as well as key stakeholders from health and social care and education to ensure Jam Up! is accessible, feasible, sustainable and useable for its end-users.
Jam Up! has recently been pilot tested across Essex, Devon and Cornwall with some incredible results:
*Essex Pilot testing project phase 3 n=10 (not all participants answered all questions).
“We need an app like Jam Up!” Chloe, Specialist Neuro-developmental Occupational Therapist
“From a foster carers point of view I can massively see the benefits of Jam Up! It will make the child become so much less depend on the adult, freeing up previous time in the morning. It is straight forward and easy to follow”. Amy, Foster Carer
“I can see the potential application of Jam Up! to a wide range of tasks and outcomes. It could be adopted by various service professionals as a skills and relationship building tool with families, and could evolve into the adult social care space, and education settings too”. Hazel, Children’s Services Commissioner